General Information /

Here are information about regulations

Enter Peruvian Waters

Port Regulations

Please inform to the master before entering peruvian waters
Welcome to Callao port Peru, please fax asap crew list, vessel tonnage certificate.
Please see here below and pass to master important peruvian regulations for entering, sailing and leaving territorial waters.
Port restriction at Callao
Max. draft 33 feets
Working shifts at Callao : 0700/1400, 1400/2100, 2100/0700 hrs.
Labor at Callao works 24 hrs. per day 7 days a week including saturday, sunday and holidays.
We remain you the peruvian navy regulations for transiting territorial waters as follows:
Master must communicate via radio upon entering/leaving Peru waters to peruvian navy radio stations or Callao, indicating port of destination, date, hour, position, course, speed upon entering Peru waters.
There after must communicate same at 0800 and at 2000 hrs. Copy of message to agents at Callao, not complying originates fines on about US$. 8,000/16,000, also master must have on board the bunker log book update on arrival, as normally checked by authorities.
Note: Peruvian water begin 200 miles from coast line.
Example of message:
A. Ship red (system identification).
B. EPW (notify entrance to peruvian waters).
C. Ship's name distinctive Callao nationally.
D. Date and time of entrance peruvian waters.
E. Proceeding port.
F. Exact position.
G. Real course.
H. Speed.
I. Port of destination.
Above message could be transmitted through peruvian coastal station:

CALLAO RADIO OBC3 460-500 500 51-1-4200177 26042
  8956 8368-369    
  13915.5 2182    
  156.80 C.16
Callao radio faxphone: 420-0177
Tlx 26042pe disevia
Tlx 26069pe costera callao
Tlx 59655pe costera mollendo - matarani

Regulations when approaching Callao:
20 miles out you must communicate with TRAMAR (port traffic control) via channel 16 vhf in order report arrival and request place location for anchorage.
Also when departing Callao you must contact TRAMAR, not complying originates fines.

Re: ballast an un ballast.
Every vessel coming directly from abroad carrying seawater as ballast must renew at least once.
All vessel arriving Peru, must change all water ballast prior entering peruvian waters or 12 nm off peruvian coast such operation must be noted in logbook indicating time and coordinates when operations is performed.
Please note that port authorities may request to see logbook upon vessel arrival in case this regulations is not complied water ballast will have to be treated with chemicals during 24 hours prior de ballasting.
Please take fully note of the above instructions in order to avoid fines.

General Agent